300 Hours yoga teacher training | Ameriga Giannone


Become a fully certified Yoga Teacher, broaden your knowledge and create mind-body transformative classes for your students.

Let me guess…

You have mastered the basics of Yoga, but you know that a deeper level of expertise awaits you. You are looking for a 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training that will provide you with all the tools and knowledge to transform your Yoga classes into a unique and profound mind-body-soul experience. 

Right now you dream of:

  • Deepening your understanding of the anatomical and technical principles of hands-on assists.
  • Feeling more confident while teaching Yoga and guiding your students during class.  
  • Creating original and dynamic sequences to bring your lessons to the next level and set yourself apart from other teachers.
  • Establishing a transformational environment where students can connect with their bodies and minds.
  • Learning how to fill your classes with passionate students, so that you can make a living teaching Yoga.

That’s exactly what you will find in my 300 HOURS YOGA TEACHER TRAINING: a comprehensive course that helps you master Yoga teaching principles, design magical sequences, craft original themes, and create a safe spiritual space for you and your students.

With this 300 HR Teacher Training you will:

  • Gain a broad knowledge of Yoga philosophy, that allows you to create a richer experience for your students.
  • Acquire all the tools you need to assist the students during your classes. You will practice guiding your students individually and safely into the poses through the use of touch.
  • Confidently teach mixed-level classes. By the end of the training, you will know exactly how to support each student individually in class, regardless of their experience level.
  • Get more connected with yourself, know yourself better and take your practice to the next level. 
  • Learn how to promote yourself, use social media and attract more students to your classes. You will become an in-demand Yoga Teacher and make a living out of it
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What do people who have attended my live classes, events or online courses think.


  • In-depth, advanced modules that will teach you both technical and practical concepts of Yoga. You will master both theory and practice.
  • A safe space full of like-minded people, where you can be your true self. A community of people who deeply love Yoga just like you do.
  • A magical experience that will transform you inside out, bringing you more awareness, inspiration, and reflections.
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  1. Once you enroll, the training can be completed at your own pace. 
  2. The training covers Yoga Alliance requirements and beyond. You will become a 300 HR certified Yoga Teacher.
  3. You can choose to take single modules if you simply want to expand your knowledge around specific topics and receive the credits granted by each individual module. Or you can go through the whole training if your goal is to get certified as a level 2 Yoga Teacher.


  • You will not only learn the spiritual side of yoga, but you will also understand a more scientific approach.
  • You will learn how to set up your Yoga business and use marketing and social media to promote yourself.
  • Teaching labs have a limited number of members; this way I can monitor your progress more closely and help you when needed.
  • You will have my support throughout the course; if you have any doubts about the topics covered in the modules, you can always reach out.

300 hr Teacher Training modules


Conduct classes without demonstrating the sequence. Learn the skills to verbally instruct your students as you walk around the room and offer safe and effective hands-on assists.

Topics covered:

  • Ethics of hands-on adjustments.
  • Intentions and Functions of hands-on assisting.
  • Stages to offer assistance that are safe and effective.
  • Skeletal variations and how they apply to families of asanas and yoga poses.
  • Learn how to assist over 40 postures from simpler to complex ones. 
  • Understanding the difference between compression and tension and applying it when “correcting” students.
  • And much more!

LOCATION: Baglio Cudia, Sicily


In this module you will learn how to improve your practice on the mat (and that of your students) through a sound understanding of anatomy.  

The focus of this online self-paced teacher training module is on Functional Applied Anatomy, The Art of Vinyasa Instruction and Somatics. You will understand the bio-mechanics involved in yoga poses and how to access a somatic experience through the postural practice.

Topics covered:

  • – In-depth study of the musculoskeletal system. In this course we cover anatomy and skeletal variations for the following joints: hips, shoulders, and spine.
  • – Skeletal variations and how they apply to families of asanas and yoga poses.
  • – Understanding the difference between compression and tension.
  • – Guiding a class: verbal cues and somatic experiences.
  • – Teaching asanas as an embodied form of spirituality: leading a vinyasa class as a somatic movement practice.
  • – Asana Labs: in-depth study of postures, that address their functions, and hence ways to modify, prop use and kramas by level.


In this module you are going to understand how to apply functional anatomy to create safe and effective sequences that strengthen and condition the body, while working creatively on flexibility and overall health.

Topics covered:

  • How to create transformative vinyasa sequences that intelligently prepare the body to explore peak poses at all levels. 
  • Functional anatomy: how to work with the 10 main myofascial body tissues.
  • Foundations of Vinyasa Flow Yoga.
  • Understanding the energetic curve of a class: wave sequencing. 
  • Phases of a yoga class.
  • Elements in the flow.
  • Sequencing styles: all-around and peak pose sequencing.
  • Functional anatomy applied to sequencing for peak poses.
  • Creative sequencing, modifications, hands-on adjustments, and prop use.
  • Mandala Sequencing.
  • Kramas: use of stages when teaching mixed level classes.
  • Bhakti Yoga, through Vedic Chanting and chanting kirtan with harmonium.
  • Daily level-2 Vinyasa class and asana workshops. 

Travel 10 days in India to discover its spirituality, culture and delicious food. Practice Yoga daily with a group of like minded Yoga enthusiasts. You will experience India’s multifaceted culture, and visit outstanding historical sites with the guidance of Ameriga and a local guide.

Further info about the itinerary will be sent via email once the 2024 trip is launched.


7 days of Yoga and conscious living, filled with multi-style yoga practices, meditations, embodied rituals and ceremonies, and daily workshops satsang on self-development.  

You will immerse yourself into the spiritual world of Yoga and will learn many tools you can use daily to ground yourself.

You will be challenged with out-of-the-ordinary experiences such as rock climbing and apnea. Get to know yourself better through daily Yoga practices and techniques such as astrology, meditation and other self development tools.

As a Yoga Teacher, you will learn:

  • To hold space for your retreat groups, teacher trainings and workshops.
  • To hold space for sharing circles.
  • The “Art of listening” to your students in a holistic way, where everything comes into play at once – body language, intuition, the environment, and the goal is not to find out details but to uncover feelings for the speaker.
  • An introduction to the art of asking powerful questions.
  • You will receive plenty of inspiration on how to bring powerful themes to your yoga classes and share them. 


In this module you will learn about Paul Grilley, the father of Yin yoga, how this practice came into existence, and its tenets: functional anatomy, Chinese meridian theory, creative Sequencing, use of props and modifications, as well as the practice of self-inquiry and mindfulness.

The anatomical principles taught in this course are applicable to every style of yoga, and knowing them will complement the way you teach Vinyasa flow as well. 

Besides learning about skeletal variations and their application in Yin yoga, you will also learn Chinese meridians theory and why this is relevant for Yin yoga.  

Topics covered:

  • Foundations of Yin yoga
  • Roots and development of Yin yoga
  • Yin yoga postures: use of props, modifications, and assists
  • Art of sequencing Yin yoga classes
  • Functional Yin yoga
  • Interoceptive skills
  • Svadhyaya
  • Asking powerful questions
  • Mindfulness
  • Leading inquiries and journaling
  • Anatomy
  • Skeletal Variations for hips, shoulders, spine
  • Connective tissue in Yin yoga
  • The importance of appropriate stress
  • Chinese medicine
  • Introduction to meridian theory
  • Analysis of Yin postures in relation to Chinese meridian theory
  • MFR: integrating myofascial release techniques in your Yin Yoga classes.


Embark on a 6-day journey of self-discovery, during which you will acquire extraordinary tools to enrich your relationships. 

Through life coaching, you will learn to understand the facets of yourself that yearn for connection, and comprehend their needs. In psychoevolutionary astrology workshops, you will delve into the mechanics of your emotional world, identify your ‘love languages,’ explore the archetypes influencing every relationship in your life, and uncover the opposites you need to integrate for balance. Engaging in practical exercises, including sharing and journaling, will shed light on how you may be sabotaging your relationships by unconsciously repeating learned family patterns. You will learn non-violent communication and neuro-linguistic programming techniques to effectively express your feelings, frustrations, and needs. By working on the unconscious through body-focused practices, you may access expanded states of consciousness and release long-held conditioning and sabotaging attitudes.

Here’s what you can expect from this retreat: 4 sessions of Vinyasa Yoga, 3 sessions of Breathwork, 4 sessions of Astrology, 4 sessions of Transformative Life Coaching, Ceremonies, and Rituals with herbs, and much more!

Location: Angeli di Montefiore, Marche (Italy)

Date: March 28th to April 2nd, 2024


Now that you have the skills to teach memorable yoga classes, it’s time to communicate it! In this module, you will discover your target student niche, how to reach them, and how to use social media effectively to book out your lessons.

Topics covered:

  • understand your strengths
  • figure out areas of improvement
  • find your why
  • find your “niche”: ideal students you want to work with
  • understand how to communicate to your ideal students
  • develop your communication strategy
  • website content
  • social medias
  • repurposing content
  • creating a signature program
  • Organizing and launching retreats

The training covers the following topics:

Ameriga Giannone

Ameriga is a well-rounded Yoga Teacher, often described as “unconventional”. Her approach to Yoga is deeply transformative and innovative, she is capable of taking students to the next level of practice, eliciting profound reflections on their own life.

She has studied with some of the most inspiring teachers and collected over 2000 hours of formal trainings, as well as a MA in Yoga Studies (University of Venice).

Her certifications include: ERYT500, Master Yoga Studies, Master NLP, Life Coach and an accredited degree in Transformative Coaching. She has also studied Neurolinguistic Programming, Mind Body Therapy, Astrology, Shamanism.

The teachers who influenced her practice are Shiva Rea, Meghan Currie, Vinay Kumar Gregor Maehle and Monica Gauci.

Outside of the mat, Ameriga loves to live by the sea, where she kitesurfs when she can. She is also a passionate rock climber, snowboarder, and loves to play kirtan with her band, the Bhakti Sisters. She travels the world in her van, sharing her passion for Yoga and Nature with those she meets on her journey.



How This Teacher Training is going to revolutionize the way you teach Yoga:

  • You will be able to hold space for your students during classes and retreats.
  • You will transition from demonstrating the whole sequence to verbally instructing your students.
  • You will guide your students to explore the pose and connect with their bodies through touch and hands on assist.
  • You will bring life to more creative sequences that help you and your students experience Yoga at a more profound dimension.

This 300 HR TEACHER TRAINING is suitable for:

  • Yoga Teachers who want to master new knowledge, and want to complete their Yoga Alliance certification.
  • Yoga Teachers who are interested in specific topics covered inside the modules, such as anatomy, sequencing, hands on assist, history, and philosophy of Yoga, and much more. Some of these modules can be taken individually.
  • Practitioners who don’t want to teach, but are very passionate about Yoga. You want to gain a comprehensive understanding of this philosophy, lifestyle, and anatomy to bring more depth into your daily practice.
  • You are looking for a Teacher Training that covers Yoga Alliance requirements and goes way beyond that.
  • You want to become a full time Yoga Teacher and want to learn to attract students into your classes on a regular basis.

You can take individual modules on topics you want to deepen, or the whole 300 hrs YTT course. 

To learn more about the content and how the individual modules are offered please check the pages of the modules.

You can take up to 3 years to complete this course, choosing both online modules and residential retreats in Sicily. 

Click the tabs “online” and “in person” under “300 hrs”.


You can complete the teacher training at your own pace.

Yes, with this course you will receive a Yoga Alliance 300 hrs Certificate. 

No worries! You can proceed at your own pace with each module. If you’re unable to attend the residential course in 2023, you can join us the following year. You have the flexibility to begin with online courses and complete the residential modules whenever it suits you. 

If you wish to have more time practicing in person with me, feel free to come over to any of my other residential retreats throughout spring and summer 2024.

Right now, I only accept wire transfers.

If you have any further questions, feel free to email me at love@yogawithameriga.com. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Contattami: om@ameriga.it

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